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Sunday, June 14, 2015


So far the only campouts I have been on in 2015 are Tahquitz, Joshua Tree, and Iddylwild. At Tahquitz I built a shelter and had fun as well as completed a Merit Badge. At Joshua Tree all I did was boulder and rock climb. At Iddylwild I completed the First Class requirements and built a catapult. If you want to see pictures of Iddylwild and after, my troop does have a Facebook page called "Troop 121." Here are a few pictures from the campouts. There are about 50 pictures of the shooting range if you want to check those out too. I don't have any pictures of Iddylwild, but there are some on Facebook if you scroll down far enough!


Joshua Tree

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm Back

Hey guys, I'm back! Because I need to create a blog and post at least 5 entries, I will be starting up my posts again, with the addition of my Boy Scouts activities. One of my recent activities was going to a shooting range to attempt to complete a requirement for my Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. Unfortunately, I was not accurate enough. I have also discovered that this Merit Badge is very hard! I don't have much coming up, but I will post some pictures of my last few Scouting Events. I also have my first flight by myself coming up soon, so get ready for that. Other than that, I'll be posting pictures soon!