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Sunday, June 14, 2015


So far the only campouts I have been on in 2015 are Tahquitz, Joshua Tree, and Iddylwild. At Tahquitz I built a shelter and had fun as well as completed a Merit Badge. At Joshua Tree all I did was boulder and rock climb. At Iddylwild I completed the First Class requirements and built a catapult. If you want to see pictures of Iddylwild and after, my troop does have a Facebook page called "Troop 121." Here are a few pictures from the campouts. There are about 50 pictures of the shooting range if you want to check those out too. I don't have any pictures of Iddylwild, but there are some on Facebook if you scroll down far enough!


Joshua Tree

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm Back

Hey guys, I'm back! Because I need to create a blog and post at least 5 entries, I will be starting up my posts again, with the addition of my Boy Scouts activities. One of my recent activities was going to a shooting range to attempt to complete a requirement for my Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. Unfortunately, I was not accurate enough. I have also discovered that this Merit Badge is very hard! I don't have much coming up, but I will post some pictures of my last few Scouting Events. I also have my first flight by myself coming up soon, so get ready for that. Other than that, I'll be posting pictures soon!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hello! I am very sorry about the lack of updates. I was having so much fun this Summer and I was so busy with homework and commitments that I didn't have any time until today. Right now i'm in sixth grade ( finally!) and in sixth grade you almost get double the amount of work. This Summer I flew to Ohio, which we stayed three weeks in, Texas, which we spent one week in, and Ohio for two weeks. And yes, in that order. For our first flight of the season, we took off from Santa Ana, which is about 45 minutes away from LAX. We had the most ridiculous flight route, which was from S.A. to Atlanta, and from Atlanta to Ohio. I think the most luck I ever got on a flight connection was when we were in Atlanta, and that's because we arrived at gate A11, and our connection was at gate A10, which was literally across the hall, plus we had Mc Donald's right next to us as well as the bathrooms. ( Don't ever use the airport bathroom in Atlanta! They don't clean their floors. ) So we got to sit around for almost two hours until we went to Ohio. I just remembered that just before we left I volunteered at my area's cub scout day camp. After we spent three weeks in Ohio we came back here for about two or three weeks. Since I was there, I volunteered for our church's VBS ( Vacation Bible School ) We then flew to Texas to see relatives and flew back to Ohio to get ready for the rental season. ( I think I mentioned our cottage in another post. ) We flew back, but it was a night flight. Because of the time difference, we were supposed to arrive at 9 P.M. L.A. time. But instead, the controllers gave away our gate to another plane, so we sat on the taxiway for an hour. By the time we got to our gate, we were 15 minutes even though we were supposed to arrive 45 minutes to an hour early. Anyway, I finished the latest version of my Lego Mindstorms, but i'll have to check if it's still up. Also, Rick Riordan's latest book came out and i'm halfway through it, although the one after that is coming out exactly one year from now. Literally. Latest info will come up sometime this weekend about school and Science Camp and everything. Again, Sorry about the lack of info.        

Friday, November 30, 2012


Hey,everyone! I was just writing to let you know that i changed the title to the blog,but the address will stay the same. I thought about changing the title because we just moved to California in august,2012,and a few people suggested it. So from now on,the title will be Geisheimers in California. And its been great over here so far. I have pretty good grades ( b+'s,a-'s,and a's) and at a previous roar assembly ( mentioned on a                
 previous post ) my class won 3rd in attendance and a trophy to go with it,and on December 1st we're getting a live Christmas tree at a Christmas farm. And thanksgiving,we just had friends over for the afternoon and evening. And now,i will tell you who was the winner of favorite rides at California adventure at Disneyland. It is............ radiator springs racers half roller coaster! We barely got there in time for fast passes,and when it was finally time to ride,it started out as a normal ride. And when it was time to race another car in radiator springs,the car went as fast as a roller coaster around sharp bends and hills. And,we beat the other car! It really would be sad if you don't want to ride it because it. is. awesome!!! Well,time to go,but i will see you on the next post that should come up by Christmas,and on February 2nd,is this blog's birthday! OK.,i guess i will see you later. bye!      

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hello,everybody! Sorry i couldn't get to you sooner,but,like i said i have been very busy. And now that i have time,let me tell you a little bit about what's going on. Well,in Berlin,we checked in to our hotel,or apartment,and there was a maze that was really close that we walked through every morning before sight-seeing. We also had breakfast at a doughnut shop one morning or two,and there was a lot of stuff to see
in Berlin! We saw the wall,where the wall was, Hitler's bunker,and a really tall gold statue that had tons of bullet-holes from world war two! Then came the day that we had to leave,so we had breakfast at Starbucks, and we saw the bike racers racing a few streets away. And there was the Brandenburg gate with fake army guys posing for pictures,lots of people,and even a KID dressed up as DARTH VADER  posing for PICTURES!!! A kid dressed up as Darth Vader,posing for pictures,and making money is,like,really rare!
Oh,and,we also saw a real concentration camp. See the videos on my mom's post to see how it was.
 Well,that's about it for Berlin. but then summer came where i got to see my grand parents. Unfortunetly,
 it wasn't one of the usual summers because of the drought in Breckenridge,and there was a lot of work to do to the house that we bought in lakeside that ALMOST got blown away by hurricane sandy! Fortunetly,
the house is still there. Then it was time to go to California! Dad picked us up and drove us home,and i had to sleep on molly's daybed. A few weeks later,when we were done unpacking and my bed was built,we started school. They let us come to school 3 days before my birthday at 10:00am to start. My teacher's name is Mr.graham. And my principle's last name is graham,and their not even related. Now i have a bunch
of homework,and we have this thing called AR,which stands for advanced reading,where you read a book and take a quiz about the book and you receive points. If you get 100 points at the end of the year,you get a trophy.Then we have a reward system for the whole school. They have these tickets called roar tickets that say RESPECTFUL OBEDIENT ALWAYS SAFE RESPONSIBLE,and they give them to you if you do one of those. And then you have to put your name and teacher on there,and put them in a bucket in the classroom,and at the monthly roar assembly,they pull out two tickets,read the name on there,and call the person on stage so they can give them a sticker,a button,a pencil the claw,and the super roar claw,that are claw machines that have colors in them,and depending on the color you get,you get a prize. And we have three class reward systems. The first,the teacher divides us into table groups,and if your whole table is good,you get table points. And the table with the most table points at the end of the week gets to be super-groups,who get to get first in line for every thing,even lunch, except for coming in at the beginning of the day.
then there is the paper clip chain,and if the whole class is good,we get paper clips added. And if we get four chains from top to bottom of the whiteboard,we get a party.The last reward system,the teacher gives us 6 smaller tickets which serve as bathroom and drinking passes,and at the end of the week,you exchange however many you have for roar tickets.And,in November 2012,we will have a business fair.
And for those who do not know,i joined the boy scouts of america! My meetings are every other week.
I also joined awana at church. It's like a Wednesday Sunday-school only with tons more kids. And i get to help out as a leader in training in one of the groups for the first 30 minutes before joining my group. Well,that's it for today. See you on the next post no later than Christmas! BYE!

Friday, June 29, 2012


Sorry about the lack of updates,but right after mom posted the video's,i couldn't find my blog on the dashboard and i couldn't access anything and now i'm really busy so now that i can access my blog dashboard,i will wright about Berlin and the movers really soon. My mom posted video's on Facebook if you want to see me help movers. See you on the Berlin post!   

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day Trip from Berlin

Hello!  Guest blogger, Benji's mom, here :)  Benji will write more on the subject, I'm sure, but for now I wanted to post these videos I made about our day spent at the concentration camp in Germany.  It was quite the opportunity to go and walk the grounds, which are now a museum.  To learn more about Sachsenhausen, you can do an internet search with the name as the search term.  It was primarily a camp for Soviet POWs, mainly including people accused of "political" crimes, but Jews were also part of the camp's prisoners.  This was a very somber experience.  Above all, I wanted to be respectful, maintaining dignity for those who suffered, and I hope these videos in no way detract from this goal.    

The video above is with color and narration.  The one below is a little more artsy with an old film style set to music.